Thursday, March 5, 2009

Health and Heartache

February was a rough month. I started having health problems and D got into a pretty deep funk about not having a job and we moved into a new apartment that was supposed to be affordable, but we still had to have assistance from Church to pay our second month's rent and assistance from D's parents with the first. I ended up in the emergency room (something we absolutely CAN'T afford with no insurance)and they did a bunch of expensive tests that told them absolutely nothing, and now in 2 weeks I have to go see a specialist. I know, and D knows, and her parents both know, that there's something wrong, even if the bloodwork and the tests say there's not. Everyone has been praying for me and I feel really blessed at the outpouring of love. I just need to know what's wrong so I can start doing something to make me feel better. I can't keep missing work and going to doctors that I can't afford, and I most definitely can't keep going on like I've been for the past month (going to work and coming home and sleeping, not being able to keep hardly any food down, and being in intense pain all the time). It's frustrating also, because I have several projects that I've been working on and I've had to put them on hold because I just don't have the energy to hold a pen or sit at the keyboard to type for very long. Right now, I'm laying down and my friend is dictating my words for me because I just felt that I needed to write something so my friends won't think I've fallen off the face of the planet!!! I do love you all and I miss spending time reading your blogs and talking to you and just being a part of life in general.

More as soon as I'm able!!!


1 comment:

Charly said...

Hang in there, Hon! We're all here for you. If there's anything you need, just let me know. I'll do what I can. Love you, Sweets!